Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Everyday there is something new:)

The past few days have been really funny with Sahara.  Here are a couple of the funny things that have happened that I had to share:

1.  We went to her movers and shakers class and while I was waiting to sign up, she decided she had to go in and participate so the leader took her (and she went without even looking back at me:) and sat down and started singing with the group:)  To make matters ever funnier she gave the leader a hug when we left and didn't want to say good bye!:)
2.  Later that day I met with a friend and went to lunch and our little Sahara was flirting with the guy that worked there...he kept coming down to hold her and play with her...at one point he was holding her on the chair and she literally started dancing with him!  Wish I had captured this on camera!  It was really cute, before we left he gave her a cookie:)  Really sweet guy...Kabir says she was only doing that because she misses him:)  He better hurry back then!
3.   Went into a store where I know the owners yesterday and the mom LOVED Sahara and wouldn't put her down...even though she was wet and I should have left to change her...they were connected...literally...Sahara put her forehead on the ladies forehead and they just sat there and smiled at each other...so sweet...I just couldn't believe how good she was with everyone...she even reached for the lady after I tried to take her back...WOW!:)
4.  A lucky moment I had to share...I was thinking to myself last night when I was giving Sahara a bath that I was lucky that she had never gone booboo while I was giving her a bath...never doing that again!  Instantly booboo everywhere!  In the bath, on the floor...tried to rinse her in the shower and everywhere!  Fun times!  I guess it had to happen!
5.  Finally, this was just funny to me because she used to not care about Wall-E...but, our automatic vacuum that we have downstairs we call Wall-E and before Sahara would just play with it when I turn it on...but, today she started screaming and crying and it wasn't even near her...then she started shaking her head no, like get that away from me...I don't like it!  Too funny...BTW...she doesn't say no, but she shakes her head no...hilarious! 
6.  Today, I have a new job I'm working and of course, Sahara wants all of my time and doesn't want me doing anything...it's funny...usually she's very independent and plays with her toys etc...but, I will play along...nothing like attention from the baby:)  Or, big girl shall I say:)

Like I said...lot's of funny things happening now!

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