Friday, April 29, 2011

Let's see...who does Sahara look like??:)


She's starting to love being in the water! I can't wait to take her swimming! She loves splashing and playing with the water when it comes out of the faucet.

Sahara at a playdate with Lily today

Sahara experienced a walker and a tunnel today. She went backwards in the walker and whined as she went through the tunnel every time (like I was making her do it). It was too funny!

Enjoy the videos!

For now, here are the links to the videos. I will upload them this weekend.



Sahara at a playdate with Lily today

Sahara experienced a walker and a tunnel today. She went backwards in the walker and whined as she went through the tunnel every time (like I was making her do it). It was too funny!

Enjoy the videos!

For now, here are the links to the videos. I will upload them this weekend.



Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Spice Up Your Daily Routine with Nina Garcia and Target

I want everything in this video! Everything is perfect for a mommy on the go!

Sleeping beauty

Sometimes she looks so focused on falling asleep. This was Sahara falling asleep on the drive home from Phoenix.

Don't you just want to squeeze her cheeks!?:)

Eat by yourself, well kinda

Today I tried to start letting Sahara try feeding herself kelas (bananas). I noticed she doesn't like the kelas mixed in with her cereal and she prefers oat cereal over rice cereal:).

She only tried feeding herself twice and the rest of the time food was everywhere!!! Lol

For anyone wondering...she is being fed in her bumbo seat. It's the easiest way to do it right now.

I'm just excited I'm finally feeding her real food! Hopefully now she'll start sleeping through the night:)

Tip from a friend at S's baby group: give her own spoon while I feed her so she is interacting and keeps busy...seems to work...

Look how messy-lol! And in the hair too!!

Our first post

I'm excited to finally create Sahara's blog to share all she's doing! Now that she's 8 months old there is something new everyday, so check often:) I'll also be sharing interesting mommy/baby stuff I learn:).

We love you and hope this is a way you can keep up to date with what we are doing even though we are far away from each other.


The Rao's

Sahara, Tasha, Kabir and Paisley